Happy crypto punk (HCP)

Market Cap: 1,868
CA: 0x5e6...::HCP
created by
Balance: 0.00
You will receive
0.00000000 HCP
Happy crypto punk

Happy crypto punk (HCP)

Happy Crypto Punk ($HCP) was born to bring joy to all the sad Crypto Punks in the blockchain world. Created as a beacon of positivity, $HCP fosters a vibrant, supportive community, proving that even in the toughest markets, happiness and unity can thrive. Join the movement and spread the smiles!

Bonding Curve Progress: 0.40%

When 1,200 $APT is raised, all the liquidity from the bonding curve will be deposited into Liquidswap and burned. the price goes up as raise progresses.

There are 784,287,140 tokens still available for sale in the bonding curve and there is 4.789 APTOS in the bonding curve

Holder Distribution

  1. Bonding Curve 98.43%
  2. 0x8ae8e6 1.10%
  3. 0x5e6e69 (dev)0.47%